Get Sh*t Done – (Trello Version)
Do you constantly struggle to stay on task throughout the day?
Are you overwhelmed by the amount of things you need to do with your business or the launch process?
Have you tried “productivity” systems but fail to keep up with them or use them over time?
NOTE: This system is completely free to use. It was written in 2016, and will be updated & modernized in 2023 – If you’d like to be notified Enter your email at the bottom of the post – CW
You are a producer. You are working on creating something amazing through a business you have or are building. The problem with your typical list based systems is you can not map the copious amounts of things that need to get done.
Most current systems are not structured to pick things from different areas of business to prioritize because they are made for specialists, or folks that focus on one area of things so their task list is related.
The SOLUTION: The Get Shit Done (GSD) System
*Shown Using
The list titles are as follows –
Goals / Projects / Top | Inbox | Today (MAX 3) | Wait / In-Progress (TEMP) | Finished [Archive] | Someday/Maybe
Single Point System:
Your GSD “Inbox” List will become the center of your productivity.
I want you to enter everything into your inbox.
This is a single stream coming into your mental ecosystem. If something takes more than 10 seconds to do, or comes in during your focus time, it goes to the inbox. PERIOD. You are working on removing distraction, so let GSD be your gatekeeper. (this works great paired with a well-trained VA as well.)
You can also get apps that give you a quick add on Chrome
You will work things out from here. If it is something for another project management board on trello (hit “B” to switch between trello boards) then you will do that during an organization period. You can set up a direct email to your trello inbox as well to forward emails that have tasks or things to do, right into your inbox as well info here.
You can label them with colors if you want. I personally grade mine from hot to cold for priority.
Red (HOT) -> Orange -> Yellow -> Blue (COLD). Simple does it.
You can expand the cards if the task needs a bit more info. Don’t load this with data you want to reference, more so just notes. Like an email that needs to be sent to several people, make a list of the people inside the card, You can add the card title with “(details)” like I do to remind you there is additional data.
Visualize Your Projects and Goals:
This is straight forward. Have your goals outlines and actionable. You will not interact with this much, this serves as a constant reminder of the direction your are working towards. Make sure you use the same card pre-fixes to keep everything easy. You can add additional sections for other things like Habits, or events as well if you need.
What you are doing TODAY – The idea of Kanban + The One Thing:
This section is taken from the kanban system. The idea is that you are limiting what you are working on to three things. PERIOD. You can not add anything until something moves from the list. This keeps your mind focused on what is important. Rather than spreading brain power across 10 things, you have an option of 1 of 3.
The Trick: Whatever cards are above the line (has to be at least 1 every day) are things that move you towards your bigger goal. This idea is taken from “The One Thing”. It insures that no matter what you are doing day to day, you are working at least on one thing moving you towards your large goal.
Things Waiting – Don’t Stop Your Flow:
This is simple, you do not want to waste time waiting on people or things. If something isnt coming back around for a period of time. Re-label it with the reason/action and move it to waiting to not hold yourself up. Typically things you do not know if the turn around time is going to be less than 24 hours or not (emails, account approvals, etc)
Satisfaction of Completion:
This is where you want to be. You will find an easy addiction to moving cards right and this col being 10x your inbox. It is an easy constant visual reminder that you are actually “Getting Shit Done” and moving towards your goals every day.
Color Coding
Example board (2016)
This is how the system works for me, this will work for you two but make sure you adapt it to anything specific to you as needed.
I promise you if you spend a day putting everything you have to do into this system, and remove it all from your mind. by day two and three you will not look back. This system will work like your task memory in your brain. So add everything and look at it often. I made it an app shortcut on my taskbar to launch and keep in an app window all the time.
Shortcut your setup – Copy this board layout on Trello instantly